Published: 9 January 2013
Region: Worldwide
During 2013, The Media Diversity Institute (MDI) continued its compromise and work to promote a diverse and inclusive media all around the globe.

MDI organised trainings, workshops, debates, conferences and study tours in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, UK, Russia, China and many more countries. These are the best stories chosen by our international team to sumarise MDI work in 2013.
Algerian Officials Take Actions after MDI Story
A story produced during a MDI training in Algeria got the government to take first steps to address war orphan problems in the country. Read more here
CNN Reports on TV Show Supported by MDI
The Egyptian TV programme “Awel el Khait” got the attention of the CNN when it broadcast a programme on sexual harassment. A man was dressed as a woman and sent into the streets of Cairo in an undercover action. Read more here
MDI Extends its Presence in China
MDI established the Hong Kong Inclusive Journalism Network (HKIJN) in April to encourage academics from Hong Kong, China mainland and the West to promote a more inclusive and diverse media in a country where there is an important censorship. Read more here
“They Unfolding Crisis in Egypt” Conference
“There is a division that is turning into a vicious circle: media polarisation and society polarisation”, said one of the participants during the media conference that MDI organised in August in London. Read more here
MDI Participates in Migration Conference in Brussels
The conference “Migrants in the Media” held in the European Commission, was intended as a wakeup call for media professionals to be more responsible when reporting on migration. Read more here
Moroccan Diversity through Audio Vignettes
A Sub-saharan migrant, an agriculture worker, and a drug addict are some of the people who told their story to Chada FM. This is a Moroccan radio and MDI’s partner for an audio vignettes project, where people across Morocco speak about their lives and how they perceive their media. Read more here
Young Roma, Gypsies and Travelers residents in the UK produced around 100 articles, several videos on YouTube channel and one short film that portrays the differences between poor and wealthy seen in London during Christmas. Read more here
MDI Holds a Debate on the New Constitution in Egypt
MDI gathered prominent figures from Egypt such one of the 50 members of the Constitutional Committee to discuss freedom of the media in the new document. Read more here
Fighting Discrimination in Russia through People’s Stories
One of main activities of MDI´s project in Russia is to train young journalists working in 4 regions in Russia where xenophobia and racism is a problem. Read more here
MDI at UNAOC Global Forum
MDI participated in the 5th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations to discuss about the diversity of media content and the responsibility that media culture industries have in promoting cultural diversity. Read more
MDI Course on Journalistic Ethics in Morocco
Moroccan journalists spent five days learning about journalistic ethics and diversity during a course run by MDI in February. One of the articles produced was about families divided by the Moroccan-Algerian border. Read more here
Media Workshop for Vulnerable Groups
MDI organised a media workshop for civil society organisations representing vulnerable groups to help them understand better media culture and how to get their message through the media. Read more here
MDI’s Lebanese Partner Visits London for a Media Study Tour
Lebanese journalists and media experts visited London for a study tour on Media and Diversity in June. The aim was to exchange expertise on inclusive practices in British media institutions and universities. Read more here