Migrants, minorities and legislation

Keywords: All Europe, English, French, human rights, EU, racism, equality, discrimination, migrants, minorities, law, guide, indicator, print, online

This FRA study focuses on how different Member States approach the implementation of the Racial Equality Directive by either adapting current legislation or establishing new separate laws. On the other hand, an overview of existing non-discrimination legislation across the EU shows up to which degree anti-discrimination, anti-racism or general equality provisions have already been part of the Member States’ constitutions or specific laws. In addition, the study also highlights exemplary court cases and complaints concerning discrimination, and finishes with selected recommendations for the EU and its Member States.

alt EUMC Migrants, Minorites and Legislation [EN].pdf

alt EUMC Migrants, Minorities and Legislation [FR].pdf

To see the online version of the two document, click the following link:
