Online hate speech: Introduction into motivational causes, effects and regulatory context

Online hate speech: Introduction into motivational causes, effects and regulatory context, the latest report by DETACT (Detect Then ACT), provides an overview of the current state of affairs of online hate speech in the European Union and helps CSOs, social media professionals and ordinary users decide what to do when they encounter it.

While the concept of ‘online hate speech’ is “fuzzy”, some types of online hate speech, such as “incitement to hatred or violence”, are punishable legal offences in all EU countries. But, different EU states have different definitions of groups and characteristics that are legally protected from hate speech. In addition, only ‘public’ expressions of hate constitute a legal infringement. The report recommends focusing “on instances when a post or message receives significant attention (e.g. 100+ likes).”

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DeTACT is a European collaboration between Media Diversity Institute Global, University of AntwerpKarel de Grote HogeschoolE:M+MAUniversitat Haldesheim and textgain aiming to monitor and tackle online hate speech with multiple innovative strategies to help bystanders become up standers online.
