IPAM: Initiatives pour un autre monde Keywords: International, Europe, France, French, English, Spanish, Human rights, social movement, network IPAM (Initiatives for another world) is an …
Association Marocaine des Droits Humains Keywords: Africa, Morocco, French, Maghreb, Human rights, democracy, discrimination The Moroccan association of human rights is a Moroccan NGO …
Association de Defense des Droits de l’Homme au Maroc Keywords: Europe, Africa, France, Morocco, French, Arabic, Maghreb, discrimination, Human rights Created in 1984 by the initiative of several …
Maghreb des doits de l’Homme Keywords: Africa, Morocco, French, human rights, democracy This website aims to offer praise to Maghrebian and Euro-Maghrebian democratic associations, …
FIDH Keywords: International, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, human rights, NGO FIDH’ s mandate is to contribute to the respect of all the …
European Commission: Employment, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportuniti... Keywords: Europe, Bulgarian,Czech, Danish,German, Estonian, Greek, English, Spanish,French, Italian,Latvaian, Lettish, Lithuanian,Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Finnish, …
Magharebia News
Keywords: Africa, English, French, Arabic, news, local news, democracy, other web resources
The Magharebia web site is sponsored...