Awards for Outstanding Reporting on Indigenous Peoples

Deadline: 25 November 2013

Region: Asia

asia indigenous peopleThe Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, with funding support from the SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, is organizing the Indigenous Voices in Asia Awards. The awards acknowledge journalists and documentary filmmakers based in Asia who cover issues regarding indigenous people.

The categories include print, TV, radio, online and documentary.A reporting award of US$1,000 and two special recognition awards of US$300 will be given for the most outstanding reporting on indigenous peoples’ rights and issues between November 2012 and November 2013. The deadline is November 25.

Indigenous peoples remain among the most marginalized and vulnerable groups as they have been largely excluded from the mainstream development procedure. Seventy per cent of the estimated 370 million indigenous peoples in the world live in Asia, where they continue to suffer from social injustice and discrimination.

“With limited representation and participation in the democratic processes – Indigenous Voices in Asia (IVA) reports – indigenous peoples have minimal voice on policies and decisions affecting their lives.” “As a result, they have been deprived of their collective rights and entitlements including cultural rights, rights to land, territory and natural resources and basic social services, such as health and education,” IVA continues.

With this backdrop, the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact with funding support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is organizing the Indigenous Voices in Asia Awards to acknowledgment the media professionals who devoted their time, talent, and efforts to cover the real situations and issues of the indigenous peoples in print, radio, television, online and, documentary film.

For more information, click here.