Keywords: All European, Open society institute, human rights, rule of law, European union, international standards, monitors, EU standard, EU practicesm EU accession Monitoring Program, South Eastern Europe, Turkey, accountability EU, Responsibility EU, sustainability EU

EUMAP, a program of the Open Society Institute (OSI), monitors the development of human rights and rule of law standards and policies both in the European Union and in its candidate and potential candidate countries. EUMAP has published monitoring reports highlighting specific areas in which state performance conforms to, or falls short of, broadly accepted international standards. These reports also examine ways in which EU standards or policy could be clarified or further articulated.

EUMAP approaches monitoring as a crucial tool to encourage a continuous review of policies, and to contribute to improving standards and policies where needed. EUMAP, formerly the EU Accession Monitoring Program, has carried out monitoring in ten Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries and in five EU member states. EUMAP has now expanded the focus of its work to also encompass South Eastern Europe, Turkey and additional EU countries. EUMAP seeks to promote responsible and sustainable EU enlargement.