Global Security Seminar for Journalists

Region: Worldwide

Published: 13 June 2014

REUTERSThomson Reuters Foundation organises a three-day seminar for journalists who are interested in or cover security issues around the world.

The 2014 Global Security Seminar aims to improve the quality of reporting on security and terrorism exploring the challenges of responsible coverage on these issues and comparing approaches with journalists from a range of different countries. This major seminar will bring together leading security experts, authoritative commentators and journalists for a series of lively presentations and debates.

It will feature discussion of Russia’s territorial ambitions, terrorism in East Africa, continuing turmoil in the Middle East, cyber security, and much more. There will also be practical training sessions designed for the journalists taking part.

The eligible applicants should have at least 5 years’ journalistic experience working in print, broadcast or online media and proven interest and/or track record in reporting on security issues and conflict.

The semimar will take place from 22nd to 24th of October in London while the deadline for submitting your application is June, 30. 

Please, find more information here.