January 2022 Newsletter: Diversity News Leads Newsrooms

Media Diversity Institute wants to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2022 be healthy, prosperous, and calm for all! 

The new year finds the world fighting another COVID-19 strain which has led to continuous insecurity globally.

Diversity news seems to be leading newsroom agendas in 2022. Journalists and media workers will deal with the aftermath of Black Lives Matter, mistrust and misinformation stemming from anti-vax movements, as well as increased attacks on the media and media workers by governments among other issues.

As Aidan White, Ethical Journalism Network President, recently wrote for Media Diversity Institute:

“In the coming months – whether it’s through coverage of sport, the pandemic, migration, policing or community relations – journalists may have numerous opportunities to focus on the strengths of diversity, but given increasing polarisation in politics and public life this will be an enormous challenge.”

He continued:

“[The] lack of diversity inside newsrooms requires journalists to take extra care in their portrayal of minorities and vulnerable groups. There’s even more reason to check our biases and assumptions, to provide context and to reach out to marginalized communities.”

Despite the pandemic Media Diversity Institute will continue to keep you informed about our latest news and we will continue to encourage accurate and nuanced reporting on diversity related issues globally. Through our events we will shed light on the most pressing issues in our sector. Our next event, a collaboration between Media Diversity Institute and the University of Westminster, is going to take place on 9 February at 15:00 and will celebrate the 10th anniversary of our MA in Diversity and the Media. The event will bring together academics and practitioners whose focus and expertise is on media and diversity. The speakers will reflect on developments in the media sector in recent years and will discuss their expectations for the present. Keep an eye on your e-mails as we will share the details soon! In addition to that, MDI will take place in this year’s Perugia Journalism Festival (6-10 April 2022) with a panel that explores the role of public interest media in a post-truth era.

Keep an eye on our social media as we are preparing new and exciting things this year!

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