MAGIC Project Publishes First Media Monitoring Results

MAGIC (Muslim women and communities Against Gender Islamophobia in society) is a project devised to prevent gender Islamophobia in Spain and in Belgium, in particular in media outlets, and to draw lessons useful for other European countries. The project is carried out by a consortium led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and formed by the Media Diversity Institute Global, the Collectif contre l’Islamophobie en Belgique and the Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe.

The first dispatches that are based on extensive media monitoring of Belgian and Spanish media from May 2021 until September 2021 have now been published. Media Diversity Institute is responsible for monitoring Belgian newspapers (Le Soir, La Dernière Heure, and Het Laatste Nieuws) and Fundación Al Fanar is responsible for monitoring three Spanish media (El País, La Razón, and ABC).

You can view and download the national dispatches by clicking on the button below.

Photo Credits: Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock