MDI mentors fellows from the International Policy Fellowship (IPF) program of the Central European University (Budapest) and the Open Society Institute. The program supports research by civil society leaders in Central and Eastern Europe, the countries of the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia.
This 36-month project aims to use the power of the media (both the news and entertainment media) to create deeper public understanding of ethnic and other minority groups and their human rights issues in the countries of the South Caucasus. By presenting these marginalized, vulnerable and misportrayed groups in fair, accurate and balanced ways, the media will raise public consciousness of minority rights and help combat xenophobia, racism, ethnic discrimination and intolerance. Informed, inclusive, and professional media coverage of ethnic minorities and issues of importance to them are the best bridge between divided ethnic groups. The programme targets journalists at all levels, ethnic and minority leaders and their NGOs, journalism educators and students, and the general public. Activities are predominantly training-based and are diverse, ranging from provision of diversity reporting tools, to cross-ethnic team reporting exercises, to workshops for ethnic and minority leaders.
Region/country: Central and Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union, and Mongolia

Timeframe/dates: Ongoing from 2002
Funder: The European Community, The Eurasia Foundation, IREX Media Innovations Program for Georgia The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Partners: Baku Press Club (Baku), Black Sea Press (Tbilisi), Internews (Armenia), Internews (Azerbaijan), Internews (Georgia), Journalists’ Club Asparez (Gyumri), Liberty Institute (Tbilisi), Yerevan Press Club (Yerevan)