Social media connect us and enable us to create and share content. Thanks to them, we stay in touch with people who are dear to us even when we are not physically close to them, but they can also be an important tool in our campaigns, whether it is individual activism, our start-up business or civil society activities.
‘Online Campaings From A to Z’ has been desinged to help you send your message to people who should hear it. We hope that it will help you “navigate the (muddy waters) of social media more easily, but also that you become more aware of the impact of your words, pictures and videos (…)“.
We hope that before launching your campaign, you will look at this handbook – from A to Z – and that it will meet your expectations, but we also hope you remain aware and responsible for what you say publicly.
This publication is published by Media Diversity Institute, along with the National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS), the Association of local independent media – Local Press, Novi Magazin and Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans, as part of the project MLADI: Media Literacy Alliance and Digital Importance.