What a week we had at Fazana! Just over a week ago, Media Diversity Institute had the honour of co-organising the fourth Fazana Media Festival which took place in Croatia. Dozens of our team members and project partners were in attendance, with some of us meeting in person for the first time.
The week consisted of a range of thought-provoking panels and excellent guests discussing topics like, ‘are we all products on digital platforms?’, position of women in the media, the media, journalists and violence towards women – an exchange of existing practices, and finally, representation of women in the media – improvement of policies.
Our project Get The Trolls Out! in collaboration with Community Media Forum Europe published a new podcast on countering hate speech. You can listen to it here.
Academics and journalists, part of our project MEDIADELCOM met in Sofia, Bulgaria to share the project’s preliminary results. You can learn more about the project here and make sure you follow this space for updates.
On 22 September MAGIC will have its third and last national consultation during which six Belgian experts will discuss our March-July 2022 media monitoring results. Keep an eye on this space for updates.
Our MA at the University of Westminster
If you are passionate about what the Media Diversity Institute does then why don’t you apply for an MA in Diversity and the media?
Over a decade ago we developed an MA in Diversity and the Media with the University of Westminster in London. The course combines a portfolio of theory and practice-based modules aimed to develop your knowledge and critical understanding of the processes of managing and making sense of cultural diversity, key issues in intercultural communication and of various aspects of the sociology of news while giving you first-hand experience in the practice of inclusive journalism.
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