Black Lives Matter


Windrush and its Impact on Black British Journalists

Windrush and its Impact on Black British Journalists

Personal experiences could shape a journalist’s perspective and approach of storytelling. Sharing these experiences is important as it is a reminder to all audiences that it is crucial for diversity and inclusion to be present within the industry of journalism, as it ...

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Racism in Media: Brazil’s Black Lives Matter Moment

Racism in Media: Brazil’s Black Lives Matter Moment

Despite efforts to diversity the media in Brazil, such as communication collectives in slums, racism is still prevalent.

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Reimagining A Diverse and Inclusive Theatrical Space

Reimagining A Diverse and Inclusive Theatrical Space

By: Emilyn Kowaleski Until recently, theatre as we knew it was defined as a live performance, with live actors performed …

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Should a Journalist Be Able To Attend a #BlackLivesMatter Protest As a...

Should a Journalist Be Able To Attend a #BlackLivesMatter Protest As a...

Should journalists hesitate to speak out for #BlackLivesMatter?

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How is #BlackLivesMatter Starting New Conversations in Media?

How is #BlackLivesMatter Starting New Conversations in Media?

Protestors are pushing essential conversations in the media.

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Tribute or Tokenism? LGBTQ Media & Queer Black Activism

Tribute or Tokenism? LGBTQ Media & Queer Black Activism

Without longterm solidarity, a tribute is just a token.

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How Journalists Cover Police Brutality is a Matter of Life and Death

How Journalists Cover Police Brutality is a Matter of Life and Death

Are journalists ready to reckon with systemic racism?

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VIDEO: How Media Covers #BlackLivesMatter and Police Brutality

VIDEO: How Media Covers #BlackLivesMatter and Police Brutality

Over the past few weeks, protests against police brutality have spread across the United States, and inspired an uprising against …

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Should Journalists Blur The Faces of #BlackLivesMatter Protestors?

Should Journalists Blur The Faces of #BlackLivesMatter Protestors?

It could be the difference between life and death.

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