Reimagining A Diverse and Inclusive Theatrical Space
By: Emilyn Kowaleski Until recently, theatre as we knew it was defined as a live performance, with live actors performed …
Black TikTokers Get Creative To Fight Racist Algorithms
Can algorithms fight algorithms?
Yellow Filter: A Cinematic Technique or Pushing Stereotypes?
When does artistic creativity cross the line into pushing stereotypes?
Should a Journalist Be Able To Attend a #BlackLivesMatter Protest As a...
Should journalists hesitate to speak out for #BlackLivesMatter?
How Journalists Cover Police Brutality is a Matter of Life and Death
Are journalists ready to reckon with systemic racism?
VIDEO: How Media Covers #BlackLivesMatter and Police Brutality
Over the past few weeks, protests against police brutality have spread across the United States, and inspired an uprising against …
Should Journalists Blur The Faces of #BlackLivesMatter Protestors?
It could be the difference between life and death.
Dos & Don’ts: How Can Media Ethically and Accurately Cover #Bla...
What should journalists do? What should they avoid?
“Ungrateful” – Italian Media’s Coverage of Kidnapping survivor...
Italian media is invading the privacy of a kidnapping victim, and putting sexism and Islamophobia on full display.
#MentalHealthWeek: Is UK Media Accurately Representing the Psychologic...
Is UK media paying attention to the mental health concerns of BAME communities?
Not “Just A Prank”—Zoombombing Undermines Freedom of Expression ...
Should we be taking "Zoombombing" more seriously?
VIDEO: #CoronaRacism-The Other Pandemic
Over the past few weeks, there has been a shocking rise in the number of hate incidents against Asian immigrants, …