
Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

To pitch a story to MDI, please read our editorial guidelines here.

Refugee Week: Different pasts, shared future

Refugee Week: Different pasts, shared future Keywords: Europe, UK, English, refugees, events, cultural diversity “Refugee Week is a UK wide programme of events which celebrate …

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Media for Development

Media for Development Keywords: International, English, Media diversity, local community, cultural, ethical, voluntary work projects and initiatives MFD believes that the media …

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Media for Peace (Medios Para La Paz)

Media for Peace (Medios Para La Paz) Keywords: South America, Columbia, Spanish, journalism, democracy, social cohesion Medios para la Paz: MPP (Media for Peace), is a …

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COSPE – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries

COSPE – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries Keywords: Development, international cooperation, Italian, English, French, Spanish, human rights, refugees, immigrants It is a no-profit association (Onlus) operating …

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NAPT: Native American Public Telecommunications

NAPT: Native American Public Telecommunications Keywords: North America, USA, English, indigenous, native American, American Indian, media diversity, TV NAPT exists to serve Native producers …

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Centre for Arab and Muslim Media research

Centre for Arab and Muslim Media research Keywords: Western Europe, UK, English, Independent International Institution, Arab Media, Muslim Media The Centre for Arab and Muslim Media …

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ARCI Keywords: Western Europe, Italy, Italian, international, Europe, association, citizenship, culture, solidarity ARCI is a network of 6000 local Italian …

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Altérités: Le web-magazine divers et ouvert

Altérités: Le web-magazine divers et ouvert Keywords: Europe, France, French, Journalism, online magazine, media diversity, openness A French online magazine that promotes openness and diversity …

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POPOLARE NETWORK Keywords: Western Europe, Italy, Italian, radio, press freedom, immigrants, asylum seekers’ rights, homosexuals’ rights Popolare Network is a network …

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RADIO POPOLARE Keywords: International, Italian, homosexuals’ rights, minorities’ rights, freedom of information, independent information, migrants’ rights Radio Popolare was born in …

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