

9/11 and the British Media – An Interview with Professor Elizabe...

9/11 and the British Media – An Interview with Professor Elizabe...

"Before 9/11, in the UK, Muslims were more homogenised in media coverage along with other non-white groups; the volume of coverage was less and tended to focus on international news/ groups," Elizabeth Poole

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Video: What is religious literacy and why does it matter?

Video: What is religious literacy and why does it matter?

By Anna Lekas Miller The video is part of and was initially published on MDI’s project Get The Trolls Out. …

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Debating Hatred: Islamophobia or Anti-Muslim Hate?

Debating Hatred: Islamophobia or Anti-Muslim Hate?

In not understanding Islamophobia correctly, we have began to lean towards defining it as Anti Muslim Hate because that is easier to point out.

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A Slaughter, Not A Sacrifice: How UK Media Portrays Muslims on Eid

A Slaughter, Not A Sacrifice: How UK Media Portrays Muslims on Eid

UK media has a responsibility to report on religious holidays responsibly.

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A Digital Tarawih: Just Because We Are Practicing Apart, Doesn’t Mea...

A Digital Tarawih: Just Because We Are Practicing Apart, Doesn’t Mea...

How has social media made a Tarawih apart into something that we are experiencing together?

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Muslim and LGBTQ? A Diversity Battle Plays Out In Birmingham

Muslim and LGBTQ? A Diversity Battle Plays Out In Birmingham

14 June 2019 Country: UK Over the past six months, a diversity battle has been playing out in Birmingham. Earlier …

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How Do You Solve A Problem Like Islamophobia?

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Islamophobia?

17 December 2018 Country: United Kingdom By: Anna Lekas Miller Over the past year, a video went viral of a …

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