
When Women of Colour Experiences are Turned into Trauma Porn
It’s a long journey to where women of colour are able to prioritise themselves holistically without being boxed into overused narratives but the first step comes from media organisations and outlets taking an active step towards changing the stories they centre.

The British Crown’s Colonial Legacy and the Media Debate in the ...
Academics, journalists, and activists from Britain, and beyond, are calling for a different conversation on history. This conversation should be safe from sanitising popular culture approaches in the style of Downton Abbey or The Crown.

Hate Speech and the Limitations of Instant Messaging Apps
Although encrypted messaging apps are used by an indistinguishable amount of people sharing illegal content, the secure communication allows for very important information to be shared confidentially for government bodies, journalists, and whistle-blowers.

When US Outlets Cover Black Shootings: An interview with Michael Gaski...
"I do not believe Black Lives Matter (BLM) has been understood by all journalists. I believe this is another story subject that is framed in part by who is reporting it. - Michael Gaskins

Reporting Femicides: Is the UK Media Racially Biased?
Better representation, accurate facts, and diversity in the media is required to break disproportionate coverage and overcome racial bias.

Lessons the media could take from Critical Race Theory debates
There remains deep denial that a majority of media organisations are institutionally racist, and the sooner these truths are accepted and new structures are built to break these traditions, the better.

Taking the Knee During Euro 2020
Whoever wins on Sunday, it is certain that a European conversation on racism is out in the open, and it is something that will find more and more space as the World Cup in 2022 will be hosted in Qatar, in what is already called a World Cup of Shame.

Meghan Markle’s interview raises questions about media portrayals in...
The newsroom is not only a physical space where journalists go about their day to day; it’s a tool. A powerful tool that helps shape our news intake.

How Do France’s Media Nourish Reactionary Moral Panic?
This concept of "Americanisation of the debate" has a lot of political traction, appearing repeatedly in statements of support by politicians for the anti-intersectional movement.

Racism in Media: Brazil’s Black Lives Matter Moment
Despite efforts to diversity the media in Brazil, such as communication collectives in slums, racism is still prevalent.

Racism Disclaimers on TV: Who Are They For?
The lack of clarity around what content warrants racism disclaimers, seems like yet another barrier to diverse programming in the UK.

Kamala Harris: Beauty Tropes, the Media and Politics
The need for anti-racist and anti-sexist journalism has never been greater. Only by smashing through the glass screen can we begin to break the glass ceiling.